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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School


'Governance at the school is very effective. Governors have the skills and expertise to fulfil their roles well. They ensure they have an accurate picture of the school through robust systems of checking and quality assurance. Governors provide appropriate challenge and support to school leaders. There is a clearly positive impact from governors’ actions.'

Ofsted - July 2024

Strong leadership is central to our Christian Vision of ‘Living and learning together in the light of God.'  It focuses on creating outstanding, nurturing provision that improves outcomes, develops a lifelong love of learning and values each child’s gifts. Every member of the school community plays a significant part in its success. 

We have a range of active and skilled governors who support the school in its work to achieve its vision. As you will see from the information below governors are appointed to represent different bodies or organisations. Regardless of their designation all governors embrace the principle of serving all the children in our school. Led by our foundation governors all governors understand and embrace their role of supporting, upholding and developing the distinctiveness of the school as a Church of England School. Governors work collectively on this priority. 

Governors are volunteers who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.  They have a wide range of responsibilities, with priority being the strategic direction of the school and with fellow governors, being accountable for the performance of the school. 

The Governing body has a range of duties and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.  It’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 

– setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the school 
– managing the school’s finances 
– making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based 
– appointing new staff 
– reviewing staff performance and pay 


The structure and makeup of the School Governing Body is set as follows: 

Foundation Representatives: 7, current representatives: 4, vacancies: 3

Headteacher: 1, current representatives: 1, vacancies: 0

LA Representatives: 1, current representatives: 1, vacancies: 0

Parent Representatives: 2, current representatives: 2, vacancies; 0

Staff Representative: 1, current representatives: 1, vacancies: 0

Total: 12, Vacancies: 3

  • The Full Governing Body meets a least 3 times each year (but usually more often than this)
  • Separate meetings for ‘teaching, learning and pupil support’ and ‘resources.’  are held throughout the year
  • Governors also conduct regular monitoring and evaluation visits.

Erica Swales - Chair of Governors

I was delighted to join the Governing Body as Foundation Governor and Chair in March 2022.

During my thirty five year career ,I have held senior operational leadership and Operations Director positions in large corporate organisations in the private sector , in both the Financial Service and Outsourcing markets . I have achieved great success in coaching and developing people to achieve  results to reach their full potential and  I am really looking forward to utilising these skills in the school community.

Since taking early retirement and graduating  from the Leading Leeds Governor programme I have held Governor positions in two primary schools in the Leeds area and am currently chairing an Interim Executive Board for a school that requires rapid improvement.

I am passionate about driving improvements in education to improve lives and firmly believe that every child counts and that  children should be placed at the centre of all decisions made in schools.  I enjoy working with the whole school community to ensure all children at Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ are given educational opportunity to optimise their individual potential.  Please contact me via the school office should you wish to discuss anything with me.

Mrs Erica Swales

Role: Foundation Governor

Appointed by: Foundation/ Trust

Term of Office:  16th March 2022 to 15th March 2026

Business Interests: Trustee of Elevate MAT.

Attendance 2024-2025: 100%

Erica has been a school governor since 2022.

Katie Barnett - Headteacher

I was delighted to be appointed as Headteacher of Lady Hastings School from September 2022 and I feel privileged to work with such wonderful children and a dedicated team of staff and governors. I have been a teacher for 20 years in both the maintained and independent sector and have worked in the leadership roles of Early Years Leader, Assistant Head and prior to LEH, as Interim Executive Headteacher for two Church of England Primary Schools. I am passionate about inclusion and working with our whole community to enable and encourage our children to be the best that they can be in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Mrs Katie Barnett 

Role: Head Teacher 

Appointed by: GB/ Board

Term of Office:  1st September 2022

Business Interests: None 

Attendance 2024-2025: 100%

Katie has been a school governor since 2022.

Mr Mark Wake  - Vice Chair

I am delighted to be part of the LEH Governing body and I bring with me over 30 years experience in financial services and general business management.  It’s a pleasure to be able to bring my expertise into school to help support the teachers and pupils achieve all their ambitions and potential.

Mr Mark Wake  

Role: LA Governor 

Appointed byGB/board

Term of Office:  1st December 2022 to 30th November 2026

Business Interests: Walton Village Hall and PCC committee member, Parent.  

Attendance 2024-2025: 100%

Mark has been a school governor since 2022.

Mrs Joanna Davies

I was delighted to join the governing body in October 2023 as a Foundation Governor, I am also a parent to 2 children currently attending the school. I work as a Lay Minister for the Bramham Benefice Churches, which are linked to the school and also as a Community Development Worker in the local area. I have a particular interest in supporting families with children who have additional needs and am involved in running local support groups for parents. I previously worked as a Physiotherapist in the NHS and at Martin House Children's Hospice. I hope to use my skills and experience to contribute towards the excellent staff and governing team to help each child to flourish in the school environment.

Mrs Joanna Davies

Role: Foundation Governor (SEND)

Appointed byGB/board

Term of Office:  1st December 2022 to 30th November 2026

Business Interests: Parent. 

Attendance 2024-2025: 100%

Joanna has been a school governor since 2022.

Reverend Hannah Moore 

Rev Hannah Moore

Role: Ex Officio

Appointed by: Foundation/Trust

Term of Office:  10th September 2024 to 9th January 2028

Business Interests: None.

Attendance 2024 - 2025: 100%

Hannah has been a school governor since 2024.

Mr Simon Hesketh 

Having joined the LEH staff team as the new Deputy Headteacher in September 2023, I am also delighted to be part of the Governing Body as the Staff Governor.  I have over fifteen years of experience in education as a class teacher and a senior leader and I am excited to bring my range of knowledge and skills to the team.  I am passionate about giving children the best opportunities we can and I am excited to be part of a wonderful school community and a team that it so dedicated to driving the continued improvement of our school.

Mr Simon Hesketh

Role: Staff Governor

Appointed byElected by school staff

Term of Office:  4th September 2023 to 3rd September 2027

Business Interests: Staff member. 

Attendance 2024-2025: 100%

Simon has been a school governor since 2023.

 Mr Billy Meredith

Mr Billy Meredith

Role: Parent Governor

Appointed by: GB/Board

Term of office: 17th March 2024 to 16th March 2028

Business Interests: Parent

Attendance 2024-2025: 100%

Billy has been a governor since 2024


Mr Andrew Preston 

I am delighted to join the governing board as a Foundation Governor during this exciting time for the school. With a strong background in teaching and leadership, I am committed to promoting the highest standards of education. In my current role a Year 6 teacher, I oversee school-wide assessments and manage interventions across all age groups, providing me with valuable insight into monitoring progress and curriculum development. I look forward to contributing my expertise and supporting the school's mission to deliver an exceptional educational experience for every pupil.

Mr Andrew Preston

Role: Foundation Governor (Quality of Education)

Appointed by: Foundation/Trust

Term of Office:  10th September 2024 to 9th January 2028

Business Interests: None.

Attendance 2024 - 2025: 100%

Hannah has been a school governor since 2024.

Ms Rachel Blackburn

I feel privileged to join the governing board at such an exciting time. My key drive has always been a personalised approach to the needs, behaviours, and happiness of the individuals and staff I have worked with.   The majority of my experience was focussed in adult Learning Disability and Mental Health services within operational leadership. More recently, I have moved into Specialist Education and work as  Head of Care and Designated Safeguarding Lead in a Residential Special School. I am excited to contribute in any way I can and support the school moving forward.

Ms Rachel Blackburn

Role: Foundation Governor (Safeguarding)

Appointed by: Foundation/ Trust

Term of office: 10th September 2024 to 9th September 2028

Business Interests: None

Attendance 2024-2025: 100%

Rachel has been a governor since 2024